Shawn Athari

Contemporary Glass Artist

Historical Styles

The Historical styles that I make are the closest to my heart. It was these images that inspired me so many years ago when I was a beginning glass artist. Over the intervening decades, I have refined these styles into the ones that you see today. I am proud of every one, and can’t pick a favorite. You, however, probably do have a favorite or two. I would love for you to place any one of these gorgeous pieces in your home.

Click on one of the links below, or in the pull-down menu, to see the variety of styles that I have available. If you don’t see exactly what you want, write to me to see how I can accommodate your needs.

aduma Example
African Styles

Segawa Example
Asian Styles

Pacific Northwest Styles

Mermaid Example
Latin American Styles

Rainmaker Kachina Example
North American Styles